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TOMATOES (TOMATOES): beneficial properties and contraindications.


Tomato (tomato) is that the most widespread vegetable crop within the world. Tomatoes have excellent taste both fresh and processed. But the best value of tomatoes is their beneficial properties, which help prevent and cure many diseases. Therefore, people leading a healthy lifestyle got to include tomatoes in their diet.

TOMATOES (TOMATOES): beneficial properties and contraindications. urdu
tomatoes beneficial properties.

Description of tomatoes:

Tomato (tomato) may be a plant of the nightshade family, which is grown as a vegetable, but from a botanical point of view may be a fruit. Tomatoes are native to South America (Ecuador and Peru). within the 16th century, tomatoes came to Spain and Portugal, from where they spread throughout Europe. They were delivered to Russia only within the 18th century as a decorative plant. Even 20 years ago, residents of our country could enjoy fresh tomatoes only in summer, today fresh tomatoes are present on store shelves and delight us with their taste and healing properties all year round. Scientists are constantly conducting all types of research on tomatoes and identifying new health benefits of those wonderful fruits. 

Composition of tomatoes: 

The excellent beneficial properties of tomatoes are thanks to its composition. Tomatoes contain vitamins A , E , C , P , K , group B, sugars, organic acids (malic, citric and others), pectins, starch, nitrogenous substances, phytoncides, minerals: iron , calcium , sodium , potassium , magnesium , phosphorus, boron , iodine , zinc , copper , manganeseand other macro- and microelements. Tomato contains lycopene (a color-determining pigment), which may be a powerful antioxidant and helps protect the body from cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases. during this case, the very best concentration of lycopene is achieved during heat treatment (boiling or baking).

Calorie content of tomatoes: 

The calorie content of tomatoes is about 25 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties of tomatoes:

  • Regular consumption of tomatoes helps to strengthen the system .
  • Tomatoes have a strong anti-cancer effect and reduce the danger of cancer.
  • They have a beneficial effect on the work of the circulatory system , reduce cholesterol, improve blood composition, prevent the formation of blood clots, help protect against heart attacks, strokes and other vascular and heart diseases.
  • Tomatoes improve metabolism, help normalize acid-base and water-salt balance.
  • Tomatoes are good for the alimentary canal , help to deal with disorders of the gastrointestinal system , and improve digestion.
  • Recommended for diabetes mellitus (DM) .
  • Tomatoes strengthen the systema nervosum , help fight stress and depression, and improve mood.
  • Tomatoes have a beneficial effect on vision, help prevent changes within the retina and maintain good vision for several years.
  • Experts recommend including tomatoes within the diet of overweight people.
  • Tomatoes have a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin. They smooth wrinkles, improve complexion, and rejuvenate the skin.
  • Tomatoes significantly hamper the aging process within the body.

Contraindications for tomatoes:

In case of allergies , diseases of the gallbladder, gastritis, peptic ulceration and urolithiasis, arthritis and rheumatism, it's necessary to consult a doctor for the inclusion of such an exquisite product as a tomato within the diet. 

Healthy tomato recipes:

- Broccoli, cauliflower and cherry tomato salad .

You can examine the beneficial properties of other products within the " Useful Products " section. Remember that a healthy lifestyle isn't only a healthy diet, but also hygiene , rejection of bad habits , physical activity and other components.

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