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Diabetes mellitus: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and therapy



The information within the article is for reference only and can't be used for self-diagnosis and self-medication. If you discover symptoms of the disease, contact your doctor.

diabetic mellitus symptoms causes.

Diabetes mellitus may be a pathology that belongs to the group of endocrine pathologies. it's related to a disorder within the absorption of glucose. The disorder develops thanks to absolutely the or relative insufficiency of insulin, the hormone liable for its processing. A patient with DM has hyperglycemia.

This condition is characterized by a persistent rise in plasma glucose. The patient features a violation of all kinds of metabolism: water-salt, carbohydrate, protein, fat, mineral. The disease features a chronic course. DM belongs to common ailments. it's detected in almost 6% of the world's population.

Diabetes causes

The reasons for the event of sorts of diabetes of the primary and second types in patients are different. The disease of the primary type is detected in young patients under thirty years aged . Disruption of insulin production occurs when the pancreas is suffering from autoimmune genesis. With it, the destruction of insulin-producing ß-cells occurs.

In most patients, this pathology occurs after a virus infection . most frequently , mumps, measles rubella, hepatitis . This pathological condition also can develop after toxic effects on the body with the subsequent substances: nitrosamine, pesticides, some drugs.

These substances contribute to the disruption of the immune reaction and therefore the occurrence of autoimmune reactions. The impact of altered immune cells on the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas causes their death. during this regard, the assembly of insulin decreases. This condition develops when quite 80% of those cells are affected.

In the second sort of disease, all cells become insensitive to insulin. Plasma insulin levels are normal or elevated, but cells don't perceive it. Most of those patients with diabetes. Glucose tolerance occurs for the subsequent reasons:

• Genetic predisposition. These patients have relatives with diabetes. If both parents suffer from it, the likelihood of inheriting a predisposition thereto increases to 70%.

• Obesity. With an outsized amount of fat within the body, their sensitivity to insulin decreases.

• Poor nutrition. With a predominance of straightforward carbohydrates in food and a scarcity of fiber, the danger of developing diabetes is increased.

• Cardiovascular pathology. Severe sorts of these diseases - atherosclerosis, ischemic heart condition , arterial hypertension - cause a rise in tissue insulin resistance.

• Chronic stress. during this state, the extent of catecholamines and glucocorticoids increases. 

• Taking certain medications. The group of medicine that increase the danger of diabetes include: synthetic glucocorticoids, diuretics, some antihypertensive drugs, cytostatics.

• Chronic cortex insufficiency. This disease increases the danger of developing tissue insulin resistance.

As a result, the penetration of glucose into cells decreases and its level within the blood increases.

Diabetes symptoms

• insatiable thirst;

• increased urination, resulting in dehydration;

• dry mouth;

• increased fatigue;

• general weakness;

• minor skin lesions heal slowly;

• vomiting;

• persistent nausea;

• the  acetone smell from the patient;

• increased breathing;

• palpitations;

• itchy skin;

• rapid weight loss;

• frequent urination;

• decreased acuity .

If these signs appear, you ought to see your doctor directly for a blood glucose test.

Types of diabetes

Pathology, counting on the explanations , is split into several types. the subsequent sorts of disease are distinguished: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, specific forms, gestational diabetes.

Type 1 DM

Option 1 type occurs when there's a scarcity of insulin production within the body. it's a hormone that regulates glucose metabolism in tissues. Lack of it occurs thanks to damage to the beta cells of the pancreas thanks to the event of autoimmune reactions.

The system is broken and produces antibodies against the body's own tissues. this example arises after the transferred viral infections, severe stress, exposure to other adverse factors.

The disease often occurs in children and youngsters . The disease features a sudden onset. Its symptoms are pronounced, as cells quickly find themselves during a state of starvation. a really high level of glucose is detected, often it reaches up to 30 mmol / L within the blood.

Variety 1 of the disease is taken into account LADA-diabetes. this is often an type I diabetes that happens in adults, it's characterized by a latent course. For him, a decrease in insulin within the blood and a traditional weight are typical.

Type 2 DM

In type 2 diabetes, insulin secretion isn't affected. there's an excess level of this hormone within the blood. The cells within the body will lose their sensitivity to the action of the substance. Patients develop insulin resistance. About 90% of all identified persons with diabetes are patients with the second sort of the disease. this sort of diabetes often develops in obese people over the age of 40.

Among the concomitant diseases are revealed: atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension. The disease features a gradual onset. Its symptomatology is scanty. The glucose level rises moderately. Antibodies to pancreatic cells aren't detected. this example contributes to the late visits of the patient to the doctor when complications have appeared.

Complications of DM

Separate acute and chronic complications of the disease. Acute complications develop rapidly and need urgent hospitalization. These include the subsequent conditions:

• Hypoglycemia. during this condition, glucose levels are sharply reduced. It occurs with an overdose of insulin, untimely food intake, physical overstrain. The patient develops hunger, a sense of trembling within the hands, dizziness, sweating, aggression. Then consciousness is disturbed.

• Ketoacidosis With it, the extent of glucose rises. It doesn't enter cells and accumulates within the blood. The condition is manifested by a decrease in appetite, dry skin, and thirst. The acetone emanates smell from the patient. Confusion of consciousness, drowsiness appears.

• Hyperosmolar coma. it's characterized by a rise in blood sugar with general dehydration of the body.

• Lactic acidotic coma. The condition occurs within the elderly within the presence of disorders of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems thanks to oxygen starvation.

Patients with signs of those pathological conditions require immediate medical attention.

With late complications, lesions of the vascular and system a nervous are observed. Diabetic angiopathy may be a massive vascular lesion. It applies to vessels of any caliber. Microangiopathies cause diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy. Macroangiopathies affect the vessels of the guts, brain and arteries of the lower extremities.


Diagnosis of DM

If you think this disorder, the subsequent studies are prescribed:

• Blood glucose levels;

• Urine analysis for glucose bodies;

• Glycosylated hemoglobin test;

• C-peptide within the blood;

• Stress test (determination of glucose tolerance).

To identify complications, the subsequent is prescribed: ultrasound scanning of the kidneys, EEG of the brain, rheoencephalography, rheovasography of the vessels of the legs.

Diabetes mellitus treatment

The fulfillment of the doctor's prescriptions should be strictly observed. blood glucose control and drug treatment for this disease are administered for all times . These measures hamper the pathologic process and avoid complications.

Treatment of pathology involves a decrease in blood sugar , also because the normalization of metabolism and therefore the prevention of the event of complications.

Diabetes diet

Diet therapy is that the mainstay of treatment. The diet is prescribed, taking under consideration weight , age, level of physical activity. The patient is taught the principle of calculating the calorie content of dishes, they need to contain the specified amount of all nutrients.

What are you able to eat what you cannot eat,

What can you eatWhat you can't eat
meatany cereals
a fishconfectionery
hard cheesecandy
eggsflour products
avocadooat flakes
white yogurt without sugarmayonnaise

The principle of the diet for this disease:

• Foods that rapidly increase the concentration of blood sugar should be removed. This food is high in starch, sugar, fructose.

• Reduces the entire calorie content. The energy value of meals is adequate to the amount of calories burned.

• It is important to watch six meals each day .

With diabetes, it's important to eat regularly. If the patient adheres to a diet, then only this will improve the patient's condition. With a light sort of the disease, only nutritional correction is completed .

Low-calorie foods are preferred. they ought to be rich in protein, plant fibre and dietary fiber.

Limit foods containing an outsized amount of animal fats, fast carbohydrates, fructose. Remove foods with high glycemic index. Alcohol in diabetes is additionally prohibited.

Insulin therapy

The introduction of insulin is administered consistent with the scheme recommended by the doctor. At an equivalent time, the glucose level is systematically monitored. Insulins are produced in three types: short-acting, prolonged, intermediate.

The prolonged drug is run once each day . Compliance with an individually selected scheme for the utilization of intermediate and short insulin allows you to realize compensation for the disease.

Self-monitoring of glycemic levels

Self-monitoring of blood sugar is performed daily. Modern blood sugar meters allow you to try to to this anywhere - reception and at work on a convenient time. The device helps you create a diet , develop an exercise plan, and determine the timing of insulin delivery and drugs . The measurement detects hypoglycemia and helps to take care of the glucose concentration within the normal range.

Sugar-lowering drugs

Sugar-lowering drugs in tablets are prescribed for type 2 diabetes as an addition to the diet. There are such groups of drugs:

• sulfonylurea derivatives - stimulate pancreatic insulin secretion, facilitate the penetration of glucose into cells;

• biguanides - reduce the absorption of glucose within the intestinal wall;

• meglitinides - reduce sugar levels, stimulate insulin secretion;

• alpha-glucosidase inhibitors - hamper the increase in sugar levels by inactivating enzymes for the absorption of starch;

• thiazolidinediones - reduce the quantity of sugar released from the liver cells, improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

With diabetes, it's important to watch the patient's well-being and condition so as to avoid sudden changes in glucose levels.

Prevention of DM

Patients with DM got to be constantly monitored by an endocrinologist - he will help organize the right lifestyle, diet and therefore the necessary treatment. it's important to avoid the event of acute and chronic complications. Patients with type I diabetes are advised to extend the body's resistance to infections, and patients with type II are advised to stop the event of obesity.


Diabetes mellitus is assessed as a significant illness. If untreated, serious life-threatening complications develop. If symptoms of high blood glucose appear, you ought to consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

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