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Strawberries: Top 8 health benefits

 Strawberries are among the berries that contain the very best amount of valuable nutrients. it's a superb source of fiber, low in calories and comparatively low in sugar. the foremost significant health benefits are high in antioxidants. Strawberries contain anti-aging flavonoids, antioxidants - anthocyanins and catechins, which reduce the danger of developing chronic diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases. Research has also shown the beneficial effect of strawberries on eye health, neurological health, and skin health.

strawberries top benefits


Research has shown that strawberries are a source of the many antioxidants, including luteolin, acid , flavonoids, quercetin, and more. Strawberries contain 2 vitamins that act as antioxidants within the body - vitamin A (as beta-carotene) and vitamin C (as ascorbic acid). Both act because the body's first line of defense, reducing cell damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants donate electrons to free radicals that lack of electrons. this suggests that free radicals don't take missing electrons from nearby healthy cells, causing mutations that contribute to the event of varied diseases.

Free radicals are a phenomenon in every organism, and that they are constantly formed as a results of various biochemical reactions. Their number increases under the influence of environmental pollution, unhealthy diet, ultraviolet rays, cigarette smoke, household chemicals, workout , stress and other adverse factors. The condition when there are too many free radicals within the body is named oxidative stress.

Antioxidants hamper the formation of oxidative stress within the body, which is liable for the aging process and therefore the development of most diseases, including cancer, diabetes and disorder .


According to research, strawberries contain substances which will fight cancer. Several compounds in strawberries are shown to possess anti-cancer effects. Research has shown that the advantages of strawberries include the power to dam the formation of cancer cells and inhibit the progression and spread of cancerous tumors.


The antioxidants in strawberries help reduce the danger of heart condition by suppressing the formation of "bad" cholesterol or LDL cholesterol , limiting the formation of plaque within the arteries, better vascular function and pressure, and reducing the tendency to develop clots (thrombosis). additionally , strawberry extracts are shown to scale back the inflammatory response within the body, which is one among the most causes of heart condition .

Strawberry antioxidants fight the oxidative process that's related to an increased risk of attack , stroke, or other coronary heart condition .


As a results of exposure to internal and external factors, the condition and appearance of the skin changes over time. Poor diet, sun exposure and environmental toxins contribute to photoaging, skin inflammation, acne and other skin problems.

Nutrition researchers are discovering more and more relationships between eating nutrient-dense foods and skin health. one among the simplest fruits for skin health is strawberries and other berries. Berries contain antioxidants like vitamin A and vitamin C that improve skin health, including hydration, oil formation, wrinkle formation, skin discoloration, reduced risk of carcinoma , and skin elasticity.

The high level of vitamin C is a further benefit that's related to stimulating collagen synthesis, protecting against UVA and UVB rays, reducing hyperpigmentation and preventing various inflammations and rashes.


Another advantage of strawberries, consistent with research, is that a diet rich in strawberries and other berries can protect the brain from aging. Berries are rich in flavonoids, especially anthocyanidins, which improve cognitive properties. For this reason, health professionals advise everyone to incorporate berries in their diet as often as possible, as they fight oxidative stress, amnesia , and diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia.


Many people consume processed and ready foods that are high in sugar, refined fats, preservatives, and toxins that hinder the gastrointestinal system .

Strawberries can help detoxify or detoxify the body, helping to revive gastrointestinal health. It contains fiber and antioxidants - vitamins A and C - which are important elements that stimulate the body to detoxify. Antioxidants are especially needed to neutralize and eliminate toxins that cause radical damage, inflammation, and indigestion.

Strawberries help keep the gastrointestinal system in healthiness by preventing constipation, balancing intestinal pH, and reducing intestinal inflammation.


Manganese is important for the traditional functioning of the systema nervosum and brain health and helps prevent neurological disorders like paralysis agitans and epilepsy. it's a mineral that's essential for bone and animal tissue formation, blood coagulation , and therefore the production of sufficient reproductive hormones.


Strawberries are an honest source of folate. 1 cup of strawberries provides about 9% of your daily value for folate. vitamin Bc may be a sort of B-complex vitamin that's essential for tissue growth, proper cell function, and important for a healthy pregnancy. Consuming or using the proper amount of folate before and through pregnancy helps prevent certain birth defects. vitamin Bc also helps prevent anemia.


Strawberries are good for many folks , but they will pose a risk for people that are allergic to fruits and berries that contain histamine.

A allergy may be a reaction of the autoimmune system which will cause itching, skin inflammation, indigestion , including diarrhea and vomiting. When the body is unable to process a particular sort of food, pollen, or substance, histamines sound the alarm, which triggers the body to react thereto substance and produce mild or severe symptoms. If you've got any health problems while eating strawberries, you'll check if you're allergic to strawberries by taking an allergy test through a biopsy .

The second largest health threat is said to the quantity of pesticides and chemicals in strawberries, so it's important to settle on organically grown strawberries. Most berries are usually treated chemically to eliminate pests and rodents, since strawberries grow on the brink of the bottom , they're soft and sweet.

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