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Heart Diseases: List, Symptoms, Treatment - Primo Medico

Heart diseases

Are you trying to find information about heart condition and appropriate specialists for treatment or surgery? Here you'll find only experienced doctors and clinics in Germany, Switzerland or Austria. determine about the causes, diagnosis and therapy or contact our specialists.

heart diseases

Heart Diseases: List, Symptoms, Treatment - Primo Medico

Information about treatment in Germany, Switzerland and Austria

What quite heart diseases are there?

Heart disease are often traced by its structure. the guts consists of an outsized muscle whose constant contraction propels blood through the vessels, its own vasculature to provide this muscle, heart valves that prevent back blood flow, and a conduction system that transmits impulses to contract specialized muscle cells throughout the guts .

Thus, of these components are often suffering from diseases, namely:

Heart failure during which the activity of the guts is insufficient for the requirements of the body.

Ischemic heart condition (coronary vessels of the guts from Latin corona - "crown, crown"), which occurs when the blood circulation of the heart's own vessels is impaired.

A heart valve defect means one among the four heart valves cannot open or close properly.

Cardiac arrhythmias occur when damage occurs that interfere with the transmission of impulses.

In addition, congenital heart defects and infectious diseases are often distinguished.

How common is heart condition round the world?

Cardiovascular diseases are statistically one among the foremost common causes of death within the population worldwide. In Europe, coronary heart condition leads the list. within the so-called developed countries, cardiovascular diseases within the broadest sense acquire a way greater importance than infectious ones.

What Symptoms Cause Heart Disease?

Complaints caused by memory disease are often very varied. Common symptoms:

1.Chest pain, which may also spread to the arm, neck, jaw, and upper abdomen

2. Gripping pain

3. Dyspnea

4. Decreased physical stamina

5. Swollen lower limbs

6. Extrasystole

7. Loss of consciousness

However, they will also occur with other diseases and, counting on the cause, differ.

What are the causes of heart disease?

The heart is extremely vulnerable to disorders, but especially arteria coronaria disease. If blood circulation is impaired, the cause is typically atherosclerosis of those vessels. Risk factors like high blood cholesterol, smoking, high vital sign , diabetes, obesity, and lack of exercise are documented .

The aforementioned disorders also are usually interrelated, as they partially stem from one another . for instance , arteria coronaria disease may result from myocardial infarct , coronary failure , or cardiac arrhythmias.

How is heart condition treated?

Causal therapy isn't always possible. Nevertheless, as a rule, attempts are made to eliminate the explanation for the violation. within the case of ischemic heart condition , there are acute symptomatic, long-term medicinal and surgical measures. Acute measures are to scale back the heart's need for oxygen. within the future , moreover, cholesterol levels and pulse should be lowered and oxygen supply should be improved.

If drug therapy is insufficient, an effort is formed to widen the narrowing with a cardiac catheter , in many cases a stent (vessel support) is employed . An open surgical intervention remains the so-called bypass surgery (from English "jumper, bypass") so as to exchange the damaged vessels with another implant, for instance , own vein of the legs or an artery of the chest.

How are you able to prevent heart disease?

Although prevention may be a measure before the onset of the disease, “secondary prevention” is usually a part of the treatment for existing arteria coronaria disease and has been shown to be beneficial also . This includes reducing risk factors, treating comorbidities, preventing strenuous exercise and even movement. The success of all of this is often also influenced by the social and cultural conditions of life.

Which doctors and clinics are specialists within the field of heart disease?

The medicine handling these issues is cardiology as a part of general medicine . There are inpatient and personal doctors. Typically, therapists also are involved within the treatment.

We will assist you find a specialist to treat your disease. All of the listed doctors and clinics were reviewed by us for his or her excellence within the field of heart condition . they're expecting your questions or requests regarding treatment. 

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