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How does cancer manifest? Early symptoms and signs of cancer

 How does cancer manifest? Early symptoms and signs of cancer

What symptoms of cancer tell us that a malignant tumor has developed within the body? the way to detect cancer so as to prevent its development in time? What it is? Why do numerous people ignore the primary signs of cancer, putting themselves in danger? How do malignant tumors appear outwardly? How does this affect the systema nervosum , skin sensations? At what temperature do you have to suspect cancer if everything was alright before?

How does cancer manifest? Early symptoms and signs of cancer

The first signs of cancer. As a rule, malignant tumors appear as a results of chronic pathologies.

Precancer includes diseases such as:

  • Hepatitis B, C;
  • Gastritis, when acidity is reduced, stomach ulcer;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Dysplasia phenomenon, erosive condition.

In order to acknowledge cancer in time, it's necessary to understand the overall symptoms associated with all kinds of oncology. it's important to not miss the subsequent signs of cancer:

1) Dramatic weight loss. it's observed in most people that are diagnosed with cancer. If an individual loses weight by 5-7 or more kilograms for no apparent reason, then one should undergo an examination for the presence of oncology. This weight loss could also be thanks to gastrointestinal cancer.

2) heat (fever) - heat are often caused by the presence of cancer, especially in cases of injury to entire systems of internal organs. As a rule, the occurrence of a fever is explained by the very fact that the disease features a negative effect on the system (immune system), and therefore the body activates its forces to fight the infection. However, a continuing temperature isn't observed at the onset of the disease, so if there have been no other symptoms, it's presumably that the fever has other causes.

3) Weakness - weakness increases gradually when the disease penetrates deep enough into the body. However, fatigue can occur immediately after the damage to the body, for instance , if there's a hemorrhage within the intestine or stomach. Loss of blood causes discomfort inside the body and severe fatigue, an individual doesn't have the strength to move .

4) Pain sensations - pain appears during a person at the initial stages of the event of the disease within the presence of several cancerous tumors within the body. Pain often is evidence of the defeat of the entire system.

5) Changes within the epidermis - hyperpigmentation, erythema, jaundice, urticaria, etc. appear. Hair may grow faster, and tumors may appear on the skin.

6) the looks of warts or moles - if moles have already been, and that they have changed color or become larger, then you ought to undergo an examination as soon as possible. this might alright be a symbol of melanoma, and it's best to treat it early within the development of cancer.

7) Severe cough or hoarse voice - A persistent silt cough are often a symbol of carcinoma , a hoarse voice are often caused by throat or thyroid cancer.

8) Small seals - if you'll feel the swelling through the skin within the mamma , testicles and other soft tissues, then it indicates cancer. Moreover, it's impossible to mention beforehand whether this is often an initial stage or a complicated one, so if there's such a seal, you ought to immediately consult a doctor.

9) Disorders of stool and functioning of the urogenital system - diarrhea or chronic constipation often occurs, the colour of feces and its quantity may change, which indicates oncology of the colon. If there's blood within the urine and pain when urinating, you ought to immediately seek medical attention. Dysfunction of the prostate causes an excessively frequent urge to urinate.

10) Problems with the alimentary canal and difficulty swallowing - fairly often such signs indicate cancer of the intestine or stomach, you would like to right away undergo a checkup .

How does cancer manifest in women?

As a rule, the primary signs of oncology within the body in non-hormone-dependent organs in men and ladies are identical. However, there are sorts of cancer that pose a risk exclusively for ladies (in gynecology) - malignant tumors of the ovaries, carcinoma , body / cervical cancer.

Cancer begins sort of a woman with the subsequent symptoms:

  • Areola retraction, nipple separation, sometimes bloody;
  • Changes in skin tone round the nipple;
  • Crusty areas, erosion round the nipple;
  • Increasing body t;
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes within the armpit and clavicle;
  • Swelling on the swollen side of the arm.

In the case of cervical oncology within the early stages, symptoms are absent or / and intersect with diseases related to the tumor and related to inflammation. The notable visual manifestations of cervical cancer are sometimes spotting between menses and an irregular monthly cycle. If the body of the uterus has been affected, the most initial symptom is uterine bleeding, which frequently occurs during menopause. Precursors of cancer of this feminine organ also are cramping pain.

In the case of ovarian cancer, attention should be paid to the subsequent changes:

  • Violation of urination;
  • Constipation;
  • Heaviness within the lower abdomen;
  • Fatigue and general weakness.

Breast cancer

The following main symptoms are observed : nipple induration and retraction, bleeding or other discharge. fairly often , oncology isn't amid pain, however, within the case of mastopathy, pain appears and continues to extend a day .

Skin cancer

There are several forms: nodular, infiltrative and ulcerative. epithelial cell carcinoma develops very quickly, and so as to detect it, crossing of yellow or pink nodules is administered . The knots may have pearly pigmented, translucent edges. The neoplasm is gradually progressing, moreover, it happens very quickly. But there also are sorts of cancer that develop slowly: such diseases can develop over a few years , and an individual won't realize it. Several nodules then tie together to make a painful, dense, dark mass. Usually this is often the instant people make a meeting with a doctor.

Rectal cancer

At the start of development, no cancer symptoms appear. But the tumor grows - and over time, the intestinal lumen closes. Painful sensations arise, since the feces aren't ready to pass freely, which provokes the discharge of pus and blood. Gradually, the feces change color and deform, the so-called "ribbon-like stool" appears. Often such a cancer is compared with a disease like hemorrhoids, but with hemorrhoids, "ribbon-like stools" appear not at the start , but at the top of bowel movements. within the future, there are frequent discharge of purulent-bloody masses with a disgusting odor.

Uterine cancer

Usually, during this case, women experience regular bleeding and strange pains. But the presence of those symptoms only indicates that the cancer is in advanced form, and therefore the neoplasm is gradually disintegrating. The initial form doesn't appear, so women don't see the necessity to be examined. Leucorrhoea, an unpleasant mucous or watery discharge mixed with blood, also speaks of cancer. Leucorrhoea often have an unpleasant odor, but not always, sometimes they are doing not have any odor. just in case of strange discharge, it's necessary to consult a doctor, since it's quite possible that the cancer has not advanced to advanced stages and there's an opportunity of cure.

Lungs' cancer

In this case, everything directly depends on the place where the tumor appears. A malignant tumor can appear within the bronchus or within the lung tissue, and if a tumor appears within the bronchus, then the person begins to cough constantly. The cough is painful and dry; after a short time , phlegm is secreted with blood. Also, pneumonia periodically occurs, which causes other symptoms to appear: high fever, pain , headache, weakness, inability to concentrate.

With the event of cancer within the lung tissue, the disease passes without symptoms, which only complicates things , since the patient might not suspect himself of the presence of cancer and doesn't undergo examination. The initial tumor are often detected with an x-ray.

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