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Hypertension: types, diagnosis, diet and treatment

 Why is hypertension dangerous?

The heart moves the blood through the blood vessels, providing all the cells within the body with oxygen and nutrients. When blood vessels become clogged or lose their elasticity, the guts starts to figure harder and increases the pressure inside the vessels.

hypertension types diagnosis diet treatment
hypertension: types, diagnosis, diet treatment

Against the background of the disease, with untimely treatment, such serious pathologies as acute coronary failure , hypertensive crisis, stroke, myocardial infarct may occur.

The complexity of hypertension is that it often lasts for years with almost no symptoms and an individual doesn't realize the existence of his disease. Symptoms are often observed - headache, fatigue, amnesia , dizziness, high vital sign , which an individual simply doesn't concentrate to. this might indicate the start of the event of the disease.

Hypertension symptoms

  • signs of hypertension
  • ongoing migraines;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • redness of the face;
  • excessive sweating;
  • "Midges" before the eyes;
  • chills;
  • heart palpitations.

The reasons for the event of hypertension

  • Excess weight. People with a bent to obesity are several times more likely to suffer from heart condition . Also, excess weight is that the explanation for an increased content of calcium and sodium within the blood, disruption of the traditional functioning of the kidneys and diseases of internal organs. This, in turn, is a further factor for the event of hypertension.
  • Arterial sclerosis. thanks to the presence of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, normal blood circulation stops. the guts has got to work harder to extend the pressure within the vessels.
  • Stressful situations. During stress, vital sign rises thanks to the discharge of the hormone adrenaline into the blood. working on the guts , adrenaline makes it beat more often, throwing more blood into the vessels.
  • Bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol, fatty and heavy foods increase the pressure within the blood vessels, form vasospasm and cause their damage.
  • Age. Over the years, an individual's heart wears out. the danger of developing hypertension increases with age if you are doing not give your health due attention. it's necessary to undergo preventive examinations and provides up bad habits, if any. High vital sign often develops in people over 35 years old.
  • Genetic predisposition. If first-line relatives (father, mother, siblings, sisters, grandparents) suffer from hypertension, the danger of developing the disease increases.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. At a coffee level of stress, metabolism slows down, the systema nervosum and other body systems are weakened, and immunity is lowered. the danger of developing hypertension increases by 50%.

Hypertension and Hypertension: what is the Difference?

Hypertension may be a chronic disease characterized by persistent increases in vital sign and general muscular tonus .

Hypertension may be a condition of the physical body with high vital sign . Unlike hypertension, which is an independent disease, hypertension may be a symptom of a pathological condition.

Types of heart hypertension

There are many classifications of the disease, which are supported the patient's appearance, the extent of pressure, the explanations for the rise in vital sign , the character of the course of the disease. However, doctors everywhere use the classification consistent with the degree of the course of the disease.

Hypertension 1 degree - is additionally called the preclinical stage. this is often the mildest sort of hypertension, during which vital sign reaches 140/90 mm. mercury column. There are mild headaches, decreased performance, general fatigue. During the patient's stay during a calm state, the pressure is normalized.

Hypertension of the 2nd degree may be a moderate stage, during which the pressure increases to the extent of 180/110 mm. rt. Art. there's the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, left ventricular hypertrophy, increased concentration of creatinine.

Hypertension 3 degrees - the pressure rises to 220/115 mm. rt. Art. during this case, the danger of complications is high. With such a degree of development of pathology, the blood supply to the interior organs is disrupted. Disease 3 degrees can happen as kidney failure , hemorrhage from the eyes, blindness.

How is that the disease diagnosed?

When the primary symptoms of hypertension appear, consult a cardiologist. He will conduct an examination and call analyzes:

  • general analysis of blood and urine ;
  • a biopsy for hemoglobin ;
  • urine analysis for protein and glucose ;
  • electrocardiography ;
  • echocardiography;
  • chest x-ray ;
  • biochemical biopsy to detect levels of cholesterol, urea, glucose and calcium;
  • phosphates and uric acid;
  • computed tomography ;
  • ultrasound examination .

Based on the test results, the attending physician will determine whether there's hypertension, the steadiness of the rise in pressure, the degree of development of pathological changes in internal organs, the explanation for the increased pressure.

Hypertension treatment

The method of therapeutic therapy depends on the degree of development of the disease. within the first preclinical stage, it's possible to take care of normal vital sign levels without the utilization of medication. The patient must balance nutrition, hand over bad habits, lead a lively lifestyle and normalize sleep and work.

diet for hypertension

When treating 2 degrees of hypertension, the doctor prescribes a medicine for long-term use and with a minimum number of contraindications, in conjunction with moderate activity and rejection of bad habits. The drug is prescribed by a cardiologist after examining the patient. The drugs must be taken continuously, as this will cause a stroke or attack .

Therapy of three degrees of hypertension is administered with the assistance of 1-2 drugs from different drug groups in conjunction with a lively lifestyle and stabilization of nutrition and sleep patterns.

  • diuretics with a diuretic effect are prescribed for salt and water retention within the body;
  • to normalize blood circulation - ACE inhibitors;
  • calcium antagonists - to scale back the oxygen demand of the guts muscle;
  • beta - blockers for fibrillation or other concomitant pathologies.

Therefore, when determining therapeutic therapy, the doctor must know the patient's entire medical record , take under consideration contraindications, lifestyle and physical characteristics (body weight, height).

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