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Chickenpox: symptoms, treatment, Causes and prevention

Chicken pox


Chickenpox (or "chickenpox") refers to a herpesvirus infection. it's a particularly contagion that's transmitted by airborne droplets and get in touch with . With chickenpox, the virus is in a position to multiply continuously or cyclically in infected cells of tropic tissues, which creates a continuing threat to the event of the infectious process.

chickenpox: symptom, treatment, causes
chickenpox disease

The disease affects people of all ages and races, children are more likely to urge sick. Recovered adults have lifelong immunity on contact, but they're observed for shingles, which is additionally caused by this virus.

Pregnant women are at high risk of developing the disease, which is dangerous for both the lady and therefore the fetus with numerous complications.


The source of infection may be a diseased person or a carrier who transmits the virus in 100% of cases, so it's so important to limit contact between sick and healthy people during the amount of illness. this is often very true for the older generation, since the severity of the disease and therefore the risk of complications increase repeatedly . Patients are considered contagious only within the period 20-24 hours before the primary symptoms of skin rashes and remain until the fourth day after the looks of the last vesicle (vesicle). 

The varicella-zoster virus enters the physical body mainly through damaged skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs. Later it's introduced into the cells of the mucous membranes, then enters the bloodstream, and then it's fixed on the skin, causing manifestations of the disease. After contact with a patient, an time period begins, which lasts a mean of 14 days (13-17) for people under 30 years old, and 11-21 days for people over 30 years old.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The pathologic process on the skin has stages and characterizes the event of only this disease. Initially, there's a burning sensation and itching during a limited area, and not throughout the body. it's in these places that a stain appears thanks to dilated vessels. during this place, the tissue becomes denser, edema appears, and a bubble with a dense cover and transparent contents of a light-weight yellowish hue appears on its surface. Bubbles 1-4 mm in size can merge into larger elements.

Since immunity and an allergy are formed during the illness, a rise in blood heat and symptoms of general malaise are often observed during the whole period, which precede the onset of rashes by 1-2 days.

A characteristic feature is that the incontrovertible fact that the contents of the vesicle contain an outsized number of active viruses. Therefore, it's so important to not scratch the rash. We strongly don't recommend opening the bubbles on your own, because the exposed surface is that the gateway to other infections, and since the system has thrown all its strength and resources to fight the underlying disease, it'll not be ready to deal with the newly attacking bacterial infection, for instance .

The bubble dries slowly over 5-7 days and a crust forms. Chickenpox crust is related to a deep layer of skin containing collagen and elastin fibers, if removed mechanically, a selected "star" scar is made . After 2-4 days, the crust falls off on its own, leaving a stain, and disappears without a trace.


There is no method that reliably and completely relieves the body of the herpes .

Specific vaccination is that the main principle of prevention. this manner of preventing the disease forms a stable immunity. Interesting fact: until 1995, “windmill parties” were organized. Since the disease in adults is more severe than in children, patients with VO gathered and hung out together. This was before the utilization of the vaccine within the us . Today, doctors are unanimous in their opinion that getting vaccinated and getting a weakened sort of the virus is safer than getting sick. this is often very true for the adult generation, since the danger of a fatal outcome is repeatedly higher.


Treatment consists of preventing the event of complications and other pathological conditions, like disability and therefore the formation of residual effects.

The most effective is that the complex treatment prescribed by an communicable disease doctor, which, just in case of a benign course of the disease, can happen on an outpatient basis. The complex of measures during the illness includes:

- sparing bed rest,

- a diet rich in proteins, complex carbohydrates, fiber and poor in simple carbohydrates (sugars),

- drug treatment prescribed by an communicable disease doctor.

Constant access to fresh air within the room, hygienic measures, the principles of which are described within the article on atopic eczema , and a physical decrease in blood heat are important.

The treatment with brilliant greens, which has already become a practice , is an unjustified measure that's essentially ineffective. Why is it smeared with brilliant green? Firstly, this manner you'll track the last rashes, and, accordingly, the instant when an individual ceases to be infectious to others. Secondly, the weather of the rash dry out faster and switch into crusts. This reduces the danger of secondary infection and directly promotes healing.

However, brilliant green is an alcoholic solution, and for the skin in such a volume, there's a risk of other skin diseases, including allergies, within the future. We recommend employing a 1% solution of methylthionine chloride solution of Castellani, crystal violet , which aren't inferior to the answer of "brilliant green" in terms of antiseptic and wound healing properties and reduce the danger of scar formation.

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